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Attention Marketers, Consultants and Agency Owners!

Learn The Exact System That’s Helped

2,463 “Non-writers” Get Their Book

Written In 30 Days or Less...

Without Feeling Confused

Or Overwhelmed…

All While Positioning Them For Greater Industry Influence and a Calendar Packed Full of Prequalified High Quality Clients.

Dear Friend,

Nothing is worse than being good at what you do, and then see someone less experienced, less connected and even less talented… 

move into your market or industry and suddenly get all the attention, recognition and celebrity clients that you deserve… and frankly… that you have earned!

I'm here to fix that for you. If you’d like to:

  • Raise your prices

  • Pack your schedule with pre qualified, high quality leads...

  • Become an "in demand" speaker who commands large fees and is invited to speak from the largest stages…

  • AND have the biggest names in your niche singing your praises and begging to work with you…

  • ...then you need your own high-quality bestselling book.

    Simple as that.

    I say simple, yet as you've no doubt figured out, creating a book that pulls in highly qualified clients on demand… no easy task. 

    Now personally, I knew creating a book that pulls in top-level clients would be worth the effort.

    Afterall, who doesn't want to hear:

    “I’ve read your book and love your work. Where do I sign up?”

    With your level of experience and expertise, it's completely draining to spend a full day courting prospects who can never commit. 

    You don't want (and shouldn't need!) to demonstrate over and over why you are clearly above the rest. 

    And perhaps, like me, you get tired of explaining yourself over and over… and you're ready to flip the script and have your clients prove themselves to YOU for once. 

    You need a book that turns you from “the hunter”... to “the hunted”. 

    A book that has your ideal clients hanging on your every word. 

    A book that will transform long, tedious sales conversations…

    ...into short calls that end with: 

    “I love it!! How do I get started?”

    And in the next few minutes, I will reveal the simple process that over 2,463 (at last count) marketers, consultants, speakers and agency owners have used to do just that.

    But words are as cheap as a Chinese made face mask these days, so let me back that up with a little proof.

    Here's a look at just some of the books that have been published (with my help) using the process I am about to share.

    No too shabby, eh?

    Before I go on, let me introduce myself.

    Hi. My Name is Travis Cody.

    Creating Bestselling Authors is What I Do. 

    And unlike many of those pesky online "goo-roos" who only wrote a single book and then started teaching others how to do it…

    I actually walk the walk. 

    I wrote my first book when I was 12. (It was a trilogy actually. But who's counting?)

    I was recruited by a newspaper at the age of 16, becoming the youngest paid writer in their 110 year history. #HumbleBrag. #YayMe.

    I also spent 15 years in Hollywood working as a screenwriter for Jonathan D. Krane… who's considered one of the most financially successful film producers of all time.

    But this is about books… so here are some of the books I've personally published over the years.

    Plus, I have four more set to come out over the next 12 months. So… there's that.

    And do you know what I love about having bestselling books? It's all the opportunities that come along with them.

    For example… because of my books… I've had the opportunity to work and consult with some of the biggest marketers in the world…

    People like:

    Dave Asprey

    James Malinchak & Makayla Leone

    John Benson & 

    Jay Abraham

    Russell Brunson

    Daven Michaels

    Marlon Sanders

    Perry Marshall

    Lewis Howes

    JJ Virgin

    Tai Lopez

    John Carlton

    Loral Langmier

    Forbes Riley

    James Schramko

    Ted Nicholas

    Mike Koenigs

    Because of books... my writing and work has appeared on sites like Huffington Post, USA Today, CNN, and more local sites than I care to keep track of.

    Because of books… I'm regularly invited to speak on the news:

    Getting interviewed on TV about the process I use to turn people into bestselling authors in record time!

    I’ve Even Been on Ellen. 

    "Yep. That's me on the Ellen Show. Publicity like this is so much easier when you're a bestselling author!"

    (Though personally, I like to believe it’s because I make her laugh, or maybe she likes my beaming smile. :-)

    But enough about me. This is about YOU!

    Imagine yourself:

    Holding your finished book in your hands, a huge smile on your face as you see your name on the cover…

    A tingle runs up your spine as you envision the heap of thank-you-mail you're about to receive from all the people who will be touched by your words…

    for delivering information that will help hundreds… thousands… potentially millions of people. 

    You sit there holding your book… with tears of gratitude streaming down your cheeks as you realize that all your years of struggle… all your setbacks…

    and all those dark moments where you nearly quit… were worth it! 

    Because those experiences made you… you.

    YOU were the one chosen to go through that… because YOU were the one strong enough to stay the course. 

    And now it’s time to reap the rewards.

    Let's get started on turning that vision into reality, shall we?

    First, I want to show you why…

    The People Who Learn This System Have A 

    100% Book Completion Rate

    That. Is. Insane!

    Because the hard truth is that out of every 100 people who start writing a book the "traditional" way… only THREE will finish!

    With this system… we're batting 1000! (If you're not a fan of baseball… that just means this system rocks. ;-)

    That's because the "traditional" way of writing doesn't address the big INNER ROADBLOCKS.

    Things like:

  • I don’t know what to say, how to say it or where to start

  • I’ve never been very good at writing and I’m afraid I’ll embarrass myself.

  • I'm too busy and just don't have the time.

  • It will take years to write a book and I can’t commit to that long.

  • The thought of sitting in front of a blank screen makes me want to fling myself off a high cliff, into the ocean!

  • I highly recommend Travis's book promotion service.He helped me claim three #1 spots on Amazon in very competitive categories. Now that I have that credibility, I am looked upon as a true expert in the training & coaching industry and that status is paying off every day. Thank goodness I found Travis!

    Scott Palat

    #1 Bestselling Author

    The Evolution of Training and Coaching: How to Explode Your Company Fast

    I've been in publishing, one way or another, for almost 40 years, including being a publisher myself (six authors' books in print). I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER seen anything as easy or powerful as this. I know this from personal experience, because my book hit #3 on the Amazon paid best seller list within 24 hours of being published. 

    David Garfinkel

    #1 Bestselling Author

    Breakthrough Copywriting

    Look: after honing this process that has helped 2,463 people (at last count) start and finish their books… I can tell you that thoughts like those are completely normal. 

    I spent 10 years “thinking about” my first book before I finally worked up the nerve to actually start. (My first "adult" book that is… since I don't really count the ones I wrote when I was 12). 

    Even then after a decade of mental constipation, it still took me two years to finish. Ugh!

    My second book wasn’t much better. It took me 19 months and was torture because I was working with a publisher and had tight deadlines. Even Ugher! (I made that word up. In case you couldn't tell.)

    But then… as we say in screenwriting… there was an "Inciting Event."

    And the fallout of that event would change everything. (Underline added for dramatic effect.)

    **Cue Inspiring and Dramatic Music as Opening Credits Roll!**

    It's a timeless tale of an Innocent (*cough*) Boy, Hollywood, Movie Moguls, Movie Stars and Academy Awards. Seriously.

    At the time, Jonathan, (the producer I was working for) was married to Sally Kellerman. She's most well known as the Oscar nominated actress who played “Hot Lips” in the original hit M*A*S*H* film from 1970.

    She had just received a publishing deal to produce her memoirs. Since I had three published books at that time, she would ask me for tips and suggestions.  

    I'll admit… I felt like a big wig.

    You would think after all the hob-knobbing with Hollywood elite… 

    after all of the experience of running a writers room managing two dozen writers as we cranked out blockbuster screenplays every week…

    and after having my own bestselling boo ks… that I would know a thing or two.

    But I'm not ashamed to say that what happened next completely blew me away. In fact, it made me realize that when it came to creating books…

    I was nothing but an amateur. 

    I observed as Sally used a unique writing process to go from blank page to completed draft in a matter of months... instead of years. (Like the time it had taken to finish my three previous books). 

    Not only that she actually enjoyed the process, even though she had no ghostwriter to help her. She was laughing her head off most of the time. 

    The long nights with a six pack of… Red Bull 😉 … and the completely exhausted days following that where my brain simply said "NOPE!" to any creative request I made of it.

    When Sally's book finally came out, it went on to be a national and international bestseller.   

    Every time I saw her on TV talking about her new book, I would make my best grown-up pouty face and say:

    “She didn’t even try that hard!” 

    Clearly… I was not the adult in the room.

    But I was adult enough to realize that I had just witnessed something special.  

    My "muse" has just revealed to me...

    The Fastest, Easiest Way for Anyone to Go From

    Blank Page to Published Book!

    It totally blew my mind. 

    I even remember thinking…

    “THIS is the freaking way freaking movie stars get their freaking books made?” (If you're old enough to remember Austin Powers you'll get that joke. If not… I weep for you.)

    So of course, being the genius Hollywood Hot Shot I imagined myself to be, I did the only Hollywood thing I could do…

    I immediately set about to see how I could exploit this thing for my own personal gain and profit! #Kidding. #NotKidding.

    I simply had to know if this would work for me too. In fact, I even gave the process a name: "The Movie Star Method for Writing a Book Fast." 

    (Hey… I did work in Hollywood where I got paid big bucks to come up with creative titles. Clearly.)

    I applied the process to my next book and lo and behold… I completed the first draft in 22 days flat!

    Yowza! And Yippee Kiyay! 

    That experience led to the formulation of the system and process I now teach to others.

    It's what has allowed me to publish multiple books per year… every year… since I first put it into place.

    And it's what will help you complete your book in record time as well.

    Before I share with you how it works, we gotta address the big elephant in the room when it comes to writing a book:

    Why Not Just Hire a Ghostwriter?

    You could hire a ghostwriter to write your book for you. That is an option.

    You will only have to pay $40,000... for a cheap one. And that’s only if you work with someone new.

    Travis is simply amazing at what he does.He analyzes the opportunity to market your product or service in a way that is unparalleled to other firms. His proactive communication gives you confidence that your heading in the right direction. And when he delivers your intended results, he still continues to find ways to add value! Travis is a class-act and an asset to the entrepreneurial community.

    John Moriarty

    #1 Bestselling Author

    And more than likely you will be working with someone who has NEVER published a book… let alone a bestselling book... of their own.

    Awesome, right? It's kind of like a fat doctor telling you that you need to lose some weight.

    A ghostwriter with experience will set you back at least $100,000. 

    Hillary Clinton paid over $500,000... each time... to the writer for her last three books.

    I don't know about you, but I can think of a LOT of other things I'd rather spend $500K on!

    And at the end of the day you'll still most likely end up with a manuscript that sounds nothing like you and doesn't have your voice.

    Which means you'll need to go through the dang thing page by page and rewrite it yourself anyway.

    (I have three friends, two of which are NY Times Bestselling authors, who had this exact experience with one of their books.)


    Getting Your Book Published

    And Out Into The World

    Is A Big Deal

    But it needs to be in YOUR voice and sound like you! Otherwise you'll damage your credibility rather than boost it.

    That's why… over the last several years… I've had dozens of people pay me $6,500 or more to work with them one-on-one to hold them accountable to get it done themselves.

    They knew they deserved to turn their expertise into a book... and to have that book positioned in a way that gets them recognized as the influencer they know they are. 

    And after watching this process help over 2,463 people (at last count) write their book (most of them first time authors)... I've discovered the ONE roadblock that nearly every single person runs into.

    And that roadblock delays them from ever finishing… let alone publishing… the book they deserve to have.

    I would like to help you avoid that roadblock at all costs.

    You see…

    Most Of Us Were Taught To Write In The Most

    Ineffective And Painful Way Possible

    For most of us, our earliest experiences with writing came from grade school and high school. And they weren't great.

    First off… we were forced to do it, which is never a fun way to learn anything.

    Usually we were given tight deadlines to turn the work in… after which it was no longer accepted. Or worse… tossed directly into the trash.

    Finally, when we did get our writing back… it was all marked up with red ink that highlighted all the ways we "did it wrong." For over a decade!

    And then we wonder why it's so difficult to write anything as adults!

    But after working personally with so many entrepreneurial authors, I noticed that... while they all had different “issues” and “challenges” they ran into…  

    ...those challenges were all merely symptoms of the same, single BIG obstacle.

    And for many of them… that roadblock delayed the release of their book by months, if not years.

    That Roadblock is:  

    Today's world is so busy it's nearly impossible to find time to even think… let alone write

    And to make it worse… 

    The current "how to write a book" courses and programs out there either make the process so short you produce nothing more than a fancy brochure... (90 minute books, anyone?)...

    Or they make it so long and so complicated you end up more overwhelmed than ever. (At which point they offer to coach you… or even do it for you… for more money.)

    How could you ever be expected to sit down and take 10 years, 20 years, even 30 years or more of "in the trenches" business knowledge and experience... and turn that into a book that people can use... in only a couple of hours?

    Short answer: you can't.

    It was clear that in order for anyone to successfully create the book they deserved…

    I Needed To Find A Way To 

    Remove That Roadblock Forever

    And it needed to be SIMPLE. 

    In a complicated world… more complication just wasn't going to cut it.

    Well, it took me three years... and plenty of clients who volunteered as "guinea pigs"... to perfect "The Movie Star Method" process… but I finally got it. 

    And, oddly enough… 

    I Found The Answer…

    In The World Of Fitness

    I know… it's an odd comparison… so keep reading and I'll show you how it all ties together in just one minute.

    If you think writing a book is complicated, look at the world of health and nutrition today.

    There are 3 million different diets… each one "scientifically validated" to be the best.

    And there are at least 762,368 exercise programs or routines you should try. (Yes, that is an exact figure… or at least the exact figure when I stopped counting. #Sarcasm)

    You could spend a lifetime studying nothing but fitness and still never read them all.

    And that is why the Fitness Bootcamp was created.

    You don't have time to study all the latest "breakthrough" workout routines developed in a secret Russian lab...

    You don't have time to read the hottest, most cutting edge scientific studies on nano-nutrition… 

    And you sure as heck don't have time to suffer through 5, 10, 15 years or MORE of frustrating trial and error as you figure it out on your own.

    You need to get healthy right now!

    With a bootcamp… you just have ONE job: show up every single day.

    When you do… your instructor tells you exactly what to do, exactly when to do it and exactly how long to do it for.

    You Don't Have to Even Think About It.

    You just go about the rest of your day and enjoy the end result.

    When it comes to going from blank page to written-book in 30 days or less… the exact same principles apply.

    Wolia! The "BookCamp" idea was born! (See what I did there? Ha! #WordsmithForThe Win!)

    You show up every single day for 30 days and you end up with your completed manuscript. #YayYou! 

    But why 30 days? Why not 10? 60? Or even 90 days?


    Because I’ve already tried everything else.

    When I got serious about this, I wanted to know the best way to do it. 

  • I tried the two hour interview approach. (Ended up with a nice brochure, but not a book.) 

  • I tried the "book in a weekend" seminars. (Frankly, I think I'd rather deal with crushing deadlines from a publisher than go through that again.)

  • I’ve tried multiple 90 Day "Book Coaching" programs. (Shocking: At the end I wasn't done and my coach not so kindly suggested I needed to pay more).

  • I kept going back to my original experience: 22 days flat.

    So I went through all the steps again and then started teaching friends, family and clients.

    In every single case, 30 days worked the best. 

    You avoid the unorganized, rushed, stream-of-consciousness-book that feels like it serves the author more than the reader. 

    You avoid the 3-month mental/emotional battle that many failed authors fall victim to. As well as the unintended "side effects" that make you never want to write a book again. :(

    After seeing the results from the first 36 people I shared this with… I knew I had the system perfected.


    The 30 Day BookCamp™

    The Easiest Way To Get Your Book DONE

    In 30 Days Flat

    Lets face it.

    You don't have the time to figure it all out on your own as you suffer through frustrating trial and error over the next 2 years, 3 years, 4 years or more. 

    You deserve to get your book done right now!

    And let's be honest… in today's world of massive overwhelm… you don't need anything else to add to your growing pile of "stuff I'm behind on".

    You need clear, easy-to-follow, actionable steps that you can take every single day.

    Even better… you need someone who will TELL YOU exactly what to do… so you don't even have to think about it.

    You just take one step… go about your day… and enjoy the end result.

    And when you have that… going from blank page to fully published is fun, fast and easy.

    Here's How Your BookCamp™ Works:

    Every day you'll get an email... and an optional text if you want it... with ONE action step to take that day.

    Most days you can complete the step in 20 minutes or less.  (A couple of days are longer than that… but most are less.)That's it. No videos to watch.

    No lengthy PDF's or transcripts to read.

    Nothing to think on.

    Nothing to stress about or worry over.

    Nothing to plan, percolate or strategize for.

    Just Open The Email, Do The Step… 

    And You're Done For The Day

    It's even structured so that you can hand off many of the daily steps to an assistant or your team… and they can complete most of it FOR you.

    My friend… It doesn't get any simpler or easier than this. 

    Being truthful… most people who go through the BookCamp™ don't feel like they're even doing much.

    And that's the point!  

    That's where the magic happens.

    Sticking with my Fitness Bootcamp Analogy… if you absolutely had to lose weight fast...

    How much more success would you have if the personal trainer came to you every single day… knocked on your door... and literally pulled you to the success you deserve?

    BookCamp™ is kind of like that…. but for your book!

    Only I'm showing up through email instead. ('Cuz I don't think you'd like the rate I'd charge if I had to show up at your house every day! ;-)

    It's the Next Best Thing to Having Me

    Right There Looking Over Your Shoulder


    According to the American Psychological Association, a full 20% of the population are chronic procrastinators who put off taking action in all areas of their life. 

    (I think the 20% is kinda low in my humble, but accurate, opinion.) 

    We all need someone to hold our feet to the fire and pull us towards success. And that's exactly what you BookCamp™ does.

    That said… I had to make sure it contained the missing piece of the puzzle for more programs and courses…


    Remember… what shocked me the most with Sally was she spent much of the time creating her book, laughing her head off!

    Remember… what shocked me the most with Sally was she spent much of the time creating her book, laughing her head off!

     You Go Through Your Day Thinking

    "Writing Is Fun!"

    During my 15 years in Hollywood, we utilized a lot of neuroscience when developing projects. 

    (We actually used neuroscience studies a decade before anybody even knew what neuroscience was. But if I brought that up, then it would sound like I was bragging. #NotBraggingtoBrag)

    Specifically, we looked at how certain things impacted people's emotional state. That's because we wanted to create movies that would make people feel happy and good. 

    Jonathan Krane had one unbreakable rule for us as screenwriters:

    When Travis said he could make me a bestselling author, I thought it was a little far fetched. I was a complete unknown in my industry. Today I am a #1 bestselling author. It happened quickly after we met and it has tremendously helped my business, my credibility, my exposure and, of course, my bank account.

    Ryan Nickel

    #1 Bestselling Author

    Defending Yourself From Foreclosure

    Just for the record I did a marketing experiment with Travis last year and was pleasantly surprised that he took a book I listed on Amazon to bestseller status in a very short time frame! (I think it was just a few weeks, if not days)

    Dr. Glenn Livingston

    #1 Bestselling Author

    "A movie should ALWAYS leave the audience feeling BETTER than when they came in."

    Period. End of story. Non-negotiable.

    This is such a powerful concept, that over a decade after he retired Jonathan still had SEVEN of the Top 50 Highest Grossing Films of all time.

    That value was drilled into the fabric of my being over 15 years.

    Which is why your BookCamp™ has been designed from the ground up to be FUN… so that you'll finish the program feeling better than when you start it.

    It's a far, far cry from the "book challenges" that seem to be en vogue right now.

    It feels like everywhere you turn these days someone is pitching you a "challenge" of some kind.  

    Weight Loss challenge, Keto Challenge, Bio Hacking Challenge, Journaling Challenge, Manifestation Challenge, "Be a Man" challenge. 🤦‍♂️

    I suppose that's because challenges are the marketing fad of the month and everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.

    I don't know about you but...

    2020 Was Freaking Challenging Enough! 

    You don't need any more challenges in your life! 

    I think we can both agree that we can wait at least a couple of decades… if not forever… before facing anything near those types of challenges again.

     From a neuroscience standpoint, challenges fire off all of the pain centers in your brain. Fun times!

    This makes writing, editing or doing anything that helps finish your book feel like a tough slog through thigh high mud. Uphill. While high winds are blowing in your face. And Forest Elves are spitting at you. (Bastards!)

    The point is… when you participate in anything designed to be "a challenge," you’re literally rewiring your brain to expect things to be difficult. 

    And yes...I know that to use the word "literally" before describing the literal experience isn't grammatically correct. But dang it… it sounds better when you read it out loud! (Literally! Ha!)

    In fact, when you rewire your brain to expect things to be difficult… especially writing… it’s not hard to imagine why there’s only a .03% success rate for any aspiring author.

    That’s why…

     I've Taken the Science That

    Makes People Feel Happy And Relaxed…

    and Applied It to The Design Of This

    Revolutionary Program.

    Like movies that made people feel great at the end, every email you'll receive has hidden psychological triggers designed to make you happy, give you hope and make you feel great.

    These triggers make the already easy process… even easier!

    That’s why... rather than it feeling like a tough slog through thigh high mud... uphill... while high winds are blowing in your face and Forest Elves are spitting at you (Bastards!)...

    the design of your BookCamp™ emails makes you feel like you’re getting PULLED through the entire program.

    Better yet, these neuroscience methods pair well with email specifically because you have:

    1) Absolutely no resistance to writing.

    There’s no login you have to remember. Or a new app you have to learn. It’s just as simple as opening your inbox. (Something you probably do every day)

    2) You only get one email per day.

    That way the self sabotager hiding in your subconscious cannot create a legitimate excuse and stop you. It’s really hard to come up with reasons to stop when you don’t know what the next step is. #NeuroscienceForTheWin!

    3) Your dopamine receptors get switched on.

    Dopamine is the chemical that makes you feel happy and hopeful. This switch is already “connected” with your email inbox. We're just using it in a productive, useful and positive way. (Instead of the way that Google and Facebook. #Burn!)

    This way, your decades long practice of using email will actually get you to open, read and do the assignments almost automatically.

    In short… (he says, after writing 4,654 words!)... when you follow the steps of the system… 

    By Day 30 your manuscript will be done, dusted and ready for its public debut. (Dang! That was some good alliteration right there!)

    That's because your BookCamp™ contains...

    Everything You Need to Know to Go 

    From Blank Page to Fully Written Book!


  • Procrastination… Solved! How to get instant momentum and (more importantly) keep it so the book writing process PULLS you through to the finish line.

  • The never before released “Movie Star Method” to create your book easily in 30 days or less… even if you’re tried writing a book before... and even if you don’t have time to sit at your computer and type.

  • “This doesn’t feel like writing!” The Perfect, 80/20, "plug n' play" templates that gets your message out to the world with very little effort.

  • What you should NEVER, ever put in your book if you want to get clients from it. And what you must add to your book to pre-sell prospects on your services before they ever contact you.

  • Don’t think you have enough material for a book? I’ll show you how to tap your “hidden expertise”... and create pages and pages of amazing content effortlessly.

  • A little-known way to avoid writing cheesy author-bios that turn off potential prospects from ever giving you money.

  • Tim Ferris’ 4 Hour Work Week Bestseller Title Secret. Or, "How to nail your catchy, winning title the first time." (This one technique makes finding a title that resonates with your perfect avatar simple… no guesswork involved!)

  • Discover the step-by-step method to get your big idea, title and chapters done in days without feeling rushed, confused or overwhelmed.

  • The secrets to an amazing interior layout that screams “professional” and makes your book easy to read. Screw this design element up and all the words you wrote won’t matter. (Ask me how I know! #RookieMistake! 🤦‍♂️

  • Where to get the best, “pops off the shelf” book cover designs… cheap. (Most people are surprised by how little they have to spend for eye-popping, thumb-stopping cover art.)

  • And so, so much more!

  • Don't Take My Word For It!

    I had actually hired two other people to help me with my book, and they were both just awful. When Travis Cody told me about his service, I didn’t believe that he could actually do it. Not only did Travis pull my entire story out of me in a way that was much more entertaining than I had originally planned, but he also put my first two books onto the bestseller list. I plan to use his service for all of my other books. And you should too if you know what’s good for you.

    Jack Collins

    Bestselling Author

    Luck of the Devil

    I have sold millions of copies of my books digitally online. When I finally decided to release my first physical book, Travis Cody was instrumental in helping me to get it published and in getting it to #1 on Amazon. If you want your own bestselling book, follow his method and you will see results.

    Jon Benson

    #1 Bestselling Author

    Open Click Buy & 4 Day Thyroid Diet

    When I hire Travis Cody, I'll admit that I was pretty skeptical that he could actually do what he promised. In the end, he radically over delivered on everything he said he would do. He helped me to create my first book in an abbreviated time frame I didn't think was possible. I can't tell you the power that comes from saying you are a bestselling author. 

    Makayla Leone

    #1 Bestselling Author

    How to Be Hollywood Beautiful Without the Hollywood Price

    Alright… let's get down to brass tacks here.  

    For something as dialed in and evolved as this 30 Day BookCamp™ is, and considering I charge $6,500 to work with clients using the same frameworks and processes you’re about to have in your hands…

    I could easily ask for $1,997 for this. 

    And that would be fair.

    Because when you can write a book in 30 days... it is it's own kind of superpower. 

    This is important because if you're like most high-achievers I know… you don't just have ONE book inside of you. You have several.  

    And the world needs your wisdom, advice and guidance NOW more than ever before. 

    That's why when you reach Day 30 of your bootcamp… you can turn around and immediately get started on your next book.

    Repeat this easy, fast and fun to follow process and you can finish multiple books... 

    ...this year! 

    This process is why…

    47% Of My Book Coaching Clients

    Now Have Multiple Books.   

    And why I have 11 books of my own… with four more on the way.

    A fact that is unrivaled by any other book course or program out there.

    That’s why $1,997 feels like the right price for something this powerful.

    However, with everything going on these days, I feel like it’s my duty to give you the deal of a lifetime.

    The world needs YOU. It needs your influence. And it needs you NOW.

    That’s why I’m not going to ask you for $1,997.

    Or $997.

    Or even $497.

    Heck, I'm not even going to ask you for $297! (Even though my copywriter is begging me to!)

    Instead, I want to empower you with the greatest and most useful skill you can ever learn… as well as help you finish your book in the next 30 Days…

    For the shockingly simple price of just $178.70

    For the price of a nice dinner out, you can learn how to write MULTIPLE non-fiction books while having FUN in the process… never feel overwhelmed or frustrated and...

    Finally Win In the Marketplace So You Can

    Command the Respect You Deserve!  

    All while you stick it to your less experienced, less connected and less talented competitors! #TheyCanSuckIt!

    Why such an odd price? Why not resort to the standard sales shenanigans and set it at $197?

    Because it's symbolic.

    If you take away the zero, you get 1787. Which is the year that the United States Constitution was created and ratified. It's a document that changed the world.  

    And I want your book to be something that changes the world too.

    When you see $178.70 on your statement next month, I want you to remember why you joined the BookCamp™. I want you to remember why you're doing this.

    The world is counting on you to deliver. 

    Look… you've read this far. So that let's me know you're interested in having your own book.

    Maybe you're wondering if you can do this. (YOU CAN!)

    I don't want anything to stand in the way of you writing and creating the book that is inside of you!

    Which is why when you join the 30 Day BookCamp™ today, you're fully protected by my trademarked…

    “No Author Left Behind™” Guarantee.

    If you go through the 30 days, follow the process and do the tasks... and you reach Day 31 without a finished manuscript…

    I will personally sit down with you for a one-on-one video call to get you sorted, sifted and on your way to success. 

    (For the record, my hourly rate for Consulting is $1,500. Which means the worst case scenario for you is you end up with a $1,500 value!)

    My goal for you is to take this process and not only use it once… but to use this over and over and over again so…

     You Can Be a Multiple Bestselling Author

    and Completely Dominate Your Industry 

    The clients I've taught this process to directly have a 100% "book completion" rate. I'm putting my reputation on the line to make sure that you're one of them.

    Your 30 Day BookCamp™ won’t be like other courses that feel like a tough slog through thigh high mud. Uphill. While high winds are blowing in your face. And Forest Elves are spitting at you. (Bastards!)

    I recently worked with Travis and his "make your book a bestseller" marketing service. I have to be honest... I was a little skeptical. But lo and behold, in only a matter of days, I was a best selling author! If you get the opportunity to work with Travis, I highly recommend it. I highly endorse his book marketing service.

    Doberman Dan

    #1 Bestselling Author

    Just Sell The Damn Thing™

    This is a joy ride down a slippery slide to the finish line of book writing success! 

    When you finally have the book that you deserve… 

  • You will no longer waste hours and hours on prospects who aren't a good fit. (Because all your leads will be pre-qualified!)

  • You will no longer experience long, drawn out sales calls that end up with indecision. (Because all your leads will be pre-sold on doing business with you!)

  • You will no longer have to "negotiate" your prices lower and instead will negotiate higher. (Because you deserve it! And because your competitors can #SuckIt!)

  • You will become the "hunter" instead of the "hunted."

  • You will become “the prize” and your prospects will have to prove themselves to YOU.

  • You will become the dominant "go to" influencer in your industry and command the respect that your experience and wisdom rightfully deserve.

  •  A Training THIS Powerful Has Never Been Made Public Before…

    And It's Not For Sale Anywhere Else

    Until recently, only my personal coaching clients had access to the writing process found in your 30 Day BookCamp™… and those coaching programs start at $6,500. #Truth.

    Yet when I finally dialed the process in... I knew it was time to sit down and make these principles available to a wider audience. (#SuckItCovid!)

    The 30 Day BookCamp™ is my life’s work compressed into an enjoyable, fun and easy to follow system.

    It contains everything I've learned from publishing 11 bestselling books…

    As well as everything I learned after 15 years in Hollywood… where I was known as the one of the fastest screenwriters of the day. 

    In short, (he says, after writing 6,364 words) your 30 Day BookCamp™ contains all of my hard won, proven-in-the-real-world strategies born from years of trial and error.

    And today… for a limited time… you can access the entire program for a single payment of just $178.70.

    To get started, click the button below now.

    YES! This really is your fastest... and easiest... path to finally finish and publish the book that you've had inside you all these years.

    And today… right now… you get access to everything for a measly fee of just $178.70 

    I'm practically holding you by the hand and walking you step-by-step past any roadblock you may encounter…  

    Giving you the exact blueprint to follow…  

    Providing you with the exact daily actions to take… (actions that can be completed in 20 minutes or less)…

    Plus, I'm handing you a simple tool you can hand to your team so they can do most of the heavy lifting FOR you.  

    This training has never been released publicly before. (I know I just said that. Yet it bears repeating because I am giving this to you for a STEAL dammit!

    This is your only chance to get access to the 30 Day BookCamp at this insanely low price. 

    Click the button below right now... and take advantage of this rare opportunity today.

    I can't wait to read YOUR book. #ChangeTheWorld

    Travis Cody

    P.S. Today you get the exact same “BookCamp"™ process that took my successful private clients from blank page to completed book in record time. (FAR faster and far easier than they even imagined!)

    It's the easiest system you'll find on writing a book… created by someone who has used it to create nearly one dozen books of his own.

    Every day you get an email.  

    Inside that email is a SINGLE step for you to take. Most days you'll be finished in 20 minutes or less.

    By day 30… you’ll have your written book.

    Until now… this “BookCamp™” has only been available to my private clients… all who have paid at least $6,500 to learn this method and receive my personal help. 

    Today, you're getting it for the paltry sum of $178.70. (I explain why that price in the letter above. It's worth scrolling back up to read it! ;-)


    It's a competitive world out there. 

    You know this. I know this.

    "Business as usual" was thrown right out the window.

    It's a new world and you need an edge.

    The greatest edge you can have is to create your own bestselling book!

    A book that promotes you as the expert and influencer that you already are. 

    Think of your book like a world class salesman. (Er… sales… person?!?)

    Only this salesman also works for you 24/7 steadily building your credibility, your influence and your industry respect.

    All while also attracting highly qualified leads who are pre-sold on working with you. 

    Better yet… this salesman never gets sick, never takes a day off, never goes on vacation and never complains! #ISaidIt!

    You can build a small army of salesmen just like this when you join your 30 Day BookCamp™ for just $178.70. 

    If you average that out over the course of the year, it's less than 49¢ per day. 

    You can't even buy a doughnut from Walmart for 49¢!

    So let me ask you bluntly: 

    What would you rather have...

    Part of a Walmart doughnut?


    Having your own book that positions you as the credible expert and influencer that you are? 

    Listen, we both know this is a no brainer.

    So click the button below now… 

    Invest in this training today. 

    Thanks for reading all the way to the end! Well done you! #YouRock!

    Now go sign up! Because I can't wait to read YOUR book soon!

    The clients I've taught this process to directly have a 100% "book completion" rate. I'm putting my reputation on the line to make sure that you're one of them.

    Your 30 Day BookCamp™ won’t be like other courses that feel like a tough slog through thigh high mud. Uphill. While high winds are blowing in your face. And Forest Elves are spitting at you. (Bastards!)

    You Got Questions? 

    I Got Answers!

    Will the 30 Day BookCamp™ Work For Me?

    Yes! The methods in The 30 Day BookCamp™ have already helped thousands of new authors. From single mothers running a business while managing two kids... to famous and established marketing gurus who run 8 figure businesses.

    Coaches, Marketers, Consultants, Speakers, Agency Owners and Service Based Business Owners have all used the process found in the 30 Day BookCamp™ to write their book as fast as possible. All while having FUN and never feeling frustrated or overwhelmed.  

    Writers and Non-writers alike who have tried and failed with other book-writing programs love the 30 Day BookCamp™ because of how simple and easy it is to follow and implement. If you’re the type of person who makes it easy to get in your own way a lot, then this course is practically MADE for you. 

    The psychology and neuroscience used to create this course is designed to pull you through to the end so that creating you book feels fun and easy. The longer you’ve thought about writing your book, the more you should consider this!

    Will the 30 Day BookCamp™ Work with My Crazy Schedule?

    Of course! The BookCamp™ was built with the busy professional in mind. The short 20-minute tasks are quick and easy. You don’t have to spend your valuable time wondering what to do. Simply open your email for the day, follow the steps and have your book done in 30 days. 

    What If I Have a Special Occasion Or Travel Coming Up?

    I can’t think of a better time to start the 30 Day BookCamp™! Special occasions and traveling are usually the moments we have time to step back, evaluate and think. What better time to work on your book? Better yet, it only takes around 20 minutes per day. So you'll still have plenty of time to enjoy your travels! 

    Is There a Monthly Charge?

    Nope! None of those sales shenanigans or marketing trickery here! (#YouShallNotPass!) Bonus points if you get that reference. :-)

    Seriously. There are no monthly charges. You get instant access to The 30 Day BookCamp™ for a single one-time payment of just $178.70. (I explain why that price in the letter above. It's worth scrolling back up to read it! ;-)

    Is There a Guarantee?

    You are covered by my trademarked “No Author Left Behind™” guarantee. 

    Go through the 30 Day BookCamp™ and do all the daily tasks. If you don't have a completed manuscript by then, I will personally sit down with you via a video call to get your sifted and sorted and on your way to success. 

    My hourly consulting rate is $1,500. Which means you risk nothing and have everything to gain.  

    Remember, this won’t be like other courses that feel like a tough slog through thigh high mud. Uphill. While high winds are blowing in your face. And Forest Elves are spitting at you. (Bastards!)

    This is a joy ride down a slippery slide to the finish line of book writing success! 

    For the exact details and full "legalese" conditions to the guarantee, please review the "terms and conditions" you're agreeing to when you join.

    Is This Just Another "Book Challenge”?

    I have an issue with “challenges” these days.


    I don't know about you but...

    2020 Was Freaking Challenging Enough! 

    You don't need any more challenges in your life! 

    From a neuroscience standpoint, challenges fire off all of the pain centers in your brain. Fun times!

    This makes writing, editing or doing anything that helps finish your book feel like a tough slog through thigh high mud. Uphill. While high winds are blowing in your face. And Forest Elves are spitting at you. (Bastards!) [*That statement never gets old! 😜]

    The point is… when you participate in anything designed to be "a challenge," you’re literally rewiring your brain to expect things to be difficult. 

    And yes...I know that to use the word "literally" before describing the literal experience isn't grammatically correct. But damn it… it sounds better when you read it out loud! (Literally! Ha!)

    In fact, when you rewire your brain to expect things to be difficult…especially writing… it’s not hard to imagine why there’s only a .03% success rate when it comes to finishing a book.

    So no, this is not a challenge! It’s a fun way to write a book, really fast... with emails designed to make you feel like you’re getting PULLED through the entire program. (Rather than dragged kicking and screaming)

    Why This Instead of Building Another Funnel?

    How many completed funnels do you have that position you as an expert in your space, prequalify prospects and deliver you high quality leads who are already pre sold on doing business with you?

    That's what I thought.

    Stop building more funnels that do nothing for your influence, credibility and respect and instead finally finish the book you have inside of you that does.

    What If I Don’t Like Writing?

    Join the club mi amigo! No one in the western world was taught how to write in a way that was fun.

    For most of us, our earliest experiences with writing came from grade school and high school. And they weren't great.

    First off… we were forced to do it, which is never a fun way to learn anything.

    Usually we were given tight deadlines to turn the work in… after which it was no longer accepted. Or worse… tossed directly into the trash.

    Finally, when we did get our writing back… it was all marked up with red ink that highlighted all the ways we "did it wrong." For over a decade!

    And then we wonder why it's so difficult to write anything as adults!

    The 30 Day BookCamp™ is designed to rewire your brain so that writing is a FUN process and something that you not only look forward to doing… you actually look forward to it!

    I’m a Certified Terrible Writer with Horrible Grammar and My English Is All Messed Up. What Now, Homie? 

    As Ernest Hemingway once said: "Write DrunkEdit Sober."

    Problem solved! 😂 🤣 😂

    Or… you can join the 30 Day BookCamp™ and just follow the prompts and have a manuscript finished likety split… no writing required!

    Say whaaaaa?!? What is this magic voodoo?

    Only those who join are privy to the secrets of how that works.

    What If I Feel Like I Don’t Have a 300 Page Book In Me?

    You are absolutely right! You don't have "a" book inside you…


    47% of my clients all have multiple books now.

    And I guarantee you do too.

    But you'll only ever discover them if you join the 30 Day BookCamp™ today!

     What People Are Saying

    As a professional educator, I rely on my public profile as an author and speaker to competitively position my company in the marketplace.

    Travis Cody's services brought me over 15,000 downloads for my eBook, leading to increased revenues and heightened respect from potential clients. Who doesn't want to be able to say they're a #1 Amazon Bestselling author? Thanks to Travis' Kindle Best Seller Service, I am now the only logical choice for parents of college-bound teens looking for inside tips to help their students. (And many of my clients are household names.) That gets an A+ from this teacher!

    Pamela Donnelly

    #1 Bestselling Author

    S.W.A.T. Team Tactics for Getting Your Teen Into College Founder

    Although I’d published books before and written in scientific journals, there’s no comparison to the amount of respect and awe that I get from people when I tell them that I’m an Amazon best-selling author. Thanks for your Kindle Best Seller Service Travis; I’ll certainly be looking for your assistance again in a few months with the launch of my next book.

    Jacinth Tracey

    Bestselling Author

    Dump Your Fear!

    Within 3-days my kindle e-book ranked #1 within categories and maintained this rock-star position for almost 3-weeks (now, a month later - the rankings still hold strong). Travis made the process easy, worked quickly and guaranteed my results- making it easy for me to write this recommendation.

    Charles Gaudet

    #1 Bestselling Author

    The Predictable Profits Playbook

    Secret Post Credit "Bonus" Scene!

    Holy wow! You're still here?!? Coooool! 

    That means you've just discovered my "Marvel-esque" post credit bonus scene!

    I was once in a Samuel Jackson Selfie. 

    That's a story for another day… and I soooo wanted to drop it in the letter somewhere… but after 8 drafts I just couldn't make it work. :-(

    Hence… its post credit appearance. Which seems fitting, since it's Samuel Jackson. 

    What does this have to do with the BookCamp™ and convincing you to join? Nothing whatsoever! Other than to perhaps buy me some coolness points. 😎

    It should go without saying that when you are in a Samuel "Mother F'ing!" Jackson selfie… IT MUST BE SHARED WITH THE WORLD!  

    That's me in a Samuel Jackson Selfie! 

    He only ever puts a small part of his head in the photos. LOL!